AI in behavioral research

AI in behavioral research

Imagine if, instead of those difficult and expensive humans, we could use AI in behavioral research. Here's a summary of 8 ways we can put AI to use, based on a great scientific paper that you'll find below: 1. Simulating Human Responses: AI can generate realistic...

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Behavioral Crypto

Behavioral Crypto

I’ve been using crypto for 10+ years, but this year I took a deep dive. It has cost me quite some time and money to learn the ropes, make my mistakes, and internalize my lessons. But now I feel like I’m far ahead of the pack in truly understanding the revolution that...

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Gratitude to Teachers I Love

Gratitude to Teachers I Love

In this blog, I’ll share a list of teachers who are so amazing that I’m addicted to their YouTube channels. The teachers who draw me in are easy-to-follow, insightful, and normally they’re quite funny too. I’ve been focused on my next steps in life, so this list of...

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